package org.jbehave.core.steps;
import static java.text.MessageFormat.format;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.thoughtworks.paranamer.Paranamer;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.jbehave.core.annotations.AfterScenario.Outcome;
import org.jbehave.core.annotations.Given;
import org.jbehave.core.annotations.Pending;
import org.jbehave.core.annotations.Then;
import org.jbehave.core.annotations.When;
import org.jbehave.core.configuration.Keywords;
import org.jbehave.core.configuration.Keywords.StartingWordNotFound;
import org.jbehave.core.parsers.StepMatcher;
import org.jbehave.core.parsers.StepPatternParser;
import org.jbehave.core.steps.context.StepsContext;
* A StepCandidate is associated to a Java method annotated with {@link Given},
* {@link When}, {@link Then} in a steps instance class. The StepCandidate is
* responsible for matching the textual step against the pattern contained in
* the method annotation via the {@link StepMatcher} and for the creation of the
* matched executable step via the {@link StepCreator}. The name of a StepCandidate
* is the combination of its starting word and its pattern.
public class StepCandidate {
public static final String NAME_FORMAT = "{0} {1}";
private final String patternAsString;
private final Integer priority;
private final StepType stepType;
private final Method method;
private final Class<?> stepsType;
private final InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory;
private final Keywords keywords;
private final StepMatcher stepMatcher;
private final StepCreator stepCreator;
private final String parameterPrefix;
private String[] composedSteps;
private StepMonitor stepMonitor = new SilentStepMonitor();
public StepCandidate(String patternAsString, int priority, StepType stepType, Method method, Class<?> stepsType,
InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory, StepsContext stepsContext, Keywords keywords,
StepPatternParser stepPatternParser, ParameterConverters parameterConverters,
ParameterControls parameterControls) {
this(patternAsString, priority, stepType, method, stepsType, stepsFactory, stepsContext, keywords,
stepPatternParser.parseStep(stepType, patternAsString), stepPatternParser.getPrefix(),
parameterConverters, parameterControls);
private StepCandidate(String patternAsString, int priority, StepType stepType, Method method, Class<?> stepsType,
InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory, StepsContext stepsContext, Keywords keywords,
StepMatcher stepMatcher, String parameterPrefixString, ParameterConverters parameterConverters,
ParameterControls parameterControls) {
this(patternAsString, priority, stepType, method, stepsType, stepsFactory, keywords, stepMatcher,
parameterPrefixString, new StepCreator(stepsType, stepsFactory, stepsContext, parameterConverters,
parameterControls, stepMatcher, new SilentStepMonitor()));
public StepCandidate(String patternAsString, int priority, StepType stepType, Method method, Class<?> stepsType,
InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory, Keywords keywords, StepMatcher stepMatcher,
String parameterPrefixString, StepCreator stepCreator) {
this.patternAsString = patternAsString;
this.priority = priority;
this.stepType = stepType;
this.method = method;
this.stepsType = stepsType;
this.stepsFactory = stepsFactory;
this.keywords = keywords;
this.stepMatcher = stepMatcher;
this.stepCreator = stepCreator;
this.parameterPrefix = parameterPrefixString;
public Method getMethod() {
return method;
public String getName() {
return format(NAME_FORMAT, getStartingWord(), getPatternAsString());
public Integer getPriority() {
return priority;
public String getPatternAsString() {
return patternAsString;
public Object getStepsInstance() {
return stepsFactory != null ? stepsFactory.createInstanceOfType(stepsType) : null;
public Class<?> getStepsType() {
return stepsType;
public StepType getStepType() {
return stepType;
public String getStartingWord() {
return keywords.startingWordFor(stepType);
public String getParameterPrefix() {
return parameterPrefix;
public void useStepMonitor(StepMonitor stepMonitor) {
this.stepMonitor = stepMonitor;
public void doDryRun(boolean dryRun) {
public void useParanamer(Paranamer paranamer) {
public void composedOf(String[] steps) {
this.composedSteps = steps;
public boolean isComposite() {
return composedSteps != null && composedSteps.length > 0;
public String[] composedSteps() {
return composedSteps;
public boolean ignore(String stepAsString) {
try {
String ignoreWord = keywords.startingWordFor(StepType.IGNORABLE);
return isIgnoredStep(stepAsString, ignoreWord);
} catch (StartingWordNotFound e) {
return false;
public boolean comment(String stepAsString) {
try {
String ignoreWord = keywords.startingWordFor(StepType.IGNORABLE);
return keywords.stepStartsWithWord(stepAsString, ignoreWord) && !isIgnoredStep(stepAsString, ignoreWord);
} catch (StartingWordNotFound e) {
return false;
private boolean isIgnoredStep(String stepAsString, String ignoreWord) {
for (Map.Entry<StepType, String> stepStartingWord : keywords.startingWordsByType().entrySet()) {
if (stepStartingWord.getKey() != StepType.IGNORABLE) {
if (keywords.stepStartsWithWords(stepAsString, ignoreWord, stepStartingWord.getValue())) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isPending() {
return method != null && method.isAnnotationPresent(Pending.class);
public boolean matches(String stepAsString) {
return matches(stepAsString, null);
public boolean matches(String step, String previousNonAndStep) {
try {
boolean matchesType = true;
if (keywords.isAndStep(step)) {
if (previousNonAndStep == null) {
// cannot handle AND step with no previous step
matchesType = false;
} else {
// previous step type should match candidate step type
matchesType = stepType == keywords.stepTypeFor(previousNonAndStep);
stepMonitor.stepMatchesType(step, previousNonAndStep, matchesType, stepType, method, stepsType);
boolean matchesPattern = stepMatcher.matcher(stripStartingWord(step)).matches();
stepMonitor.stepMatchesPattern(step, matchesPattern, stepMatcher.pattern(), method, stepsType);
// must match both type and pattern
return matchesType && matchesPattern;
} catch (StartingWordNotFound e) {
return false;
public Step createMatchedStep(String stepAsString, Map<String, String> namedParameters, List<Step> composedSteps) {
return stepCreator.createParametrisedStep(method, stepAsString, stripStartingWord(stepAsString),
namedParameters, composedSteps);
public Step createMatchedStepUponOutcome(String stepAsString, Map<String, String> namedParameters,
List<Step> composedSteps, Outcome outcome) {
return stepCreator.createParametrisedStepUponOutcome(method, stepAsString, stripStartingWord(stepAsString),
namedParameters, composedSteps, outcome);
public void addComposedSteps(List<Step> steps, String stepAsString, Map<String, String> namedParameters,
List<StepCandidate> allCandidates) {
Map<String, String> matchedParameters = stepCreator.matchedParameters(method,
keywords.stepWithoutStartingWord(stepAsString), namedParameters);
Map<String, String> mergedParameters = new HashMap<>(namedParameters);
String previousNonAndStep = null;
for (String composedStep : composedSteps) {
addComposedStep(steps, composedStep, previousNonAndStep, mergedParameters, allCandidates);
if (!(keywords.isAndStep(composedStep) || keywords.isIgnorableStep(composedStep))) {
// only update previous step if not AND or IGNORABLE step
previousNonAndStep = composedStep;
private void addComposedStep(List<Step> steps, String composedStep, String previousNonAndStep,
Map<String, String> matchedParameters, List<StepCandidate> allCandidates) {
if (ignore(composedStep)) {
// ignorable steps are added so they can be reported
} else if (comment(composedStep)) {
// comments are added so they can be reported
} else {
StepCandidate candidate = findComposedCandidate(composedStep, previousNonAndStep, allCandidates);
if (candidate != null) {
List<Step> composedSteps = new ArrayList<>();
if (candidate.isComposite()) {
// candidate is itself composite: recursively add composed steps
candidate.addComposedSteps(composedSteps, composedStep, matchedParameters, allCandidates);
steps.add(candidate.createMatchedStep(composedStep, matchedParameters, composedSteps));
} else {
steps.add(StepCreator.createPendingStep(composedStep, previousNonAndStep));
private StepCandidate findComposedCandidate(String composedStep, String previousNonAndStep,
List<StepCandidate> allCandidates) {
StepType stepType;
if (keywords.isAndStep(composedStep)) {
if (previousNonAndStep != null) {
stepType = keywords.stepTypeFor(previousNonAndStep);
} else {
// cannot handle AND step with no previous step
return null;
} else {
stepType = keywords.stepTypeFor(composedStep);
for (StepCandidate candidate : allCandidates) {
if (stepType == candidate.getStepType() && (StringUtils.endsWith(composedStep,
candidate.getPatternAsString()) || candidate.matches(composedStep, previousNonAndStep))) {
return candidate;
return null;
protected String stripStartingWord(String stepAsString) {
return keywords.stepWithoutStartingWord(stepAsString, stepType);
protected StepCreator getStepCreator() {
return stepCreator;
protected Keywords getKeywords() {
return keywords;
protected StepMatcher getStepMatcher() {
return stepMatcher;
protected StepMonitor getStepMonitor() {
return stepMonitor;
public String toString() {
return stepType + " " + patternAsString;