that returns the path providedResolves story paths while preserving the Java class case, e.g.: "" -> "org/jbehave/core/ICanLogin.story".Collection of utility methods to create code location URLsThrown when a story resource is not validFind all matching file entries in a jar.Loads story resources from classpathLoads story resources from relative file paths that are traversal to a given location.For use the the varargs constructor ofLoadFromRelativeFile
, to allow a range of possibilities for locating Story file pathsLoads story resources from URLCalculates the paths to given stories.PathCalculator
that finds given stories relative to the current story.Finds stories by scanning source paths, which can be either filesystem directories or jars.Abstraction of a story location, handling cases in which story path is defined as a resource in classpath or as a URL.Resolves story names from their paths.Resolves story paths converting the JavaEmbeddable
class to a resource path.Thrown when a story resource is not foundResolves story paths converting the camel-cased Java core class to lower-case underscore-separated paths e.g.: "" -> "org/jbehave/core/i_can_login.story".