All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract mojo for filesystem import/export operations.
Implementation that reads from filesystem the resources and uploads them.
Mojo to export resources to REST root path from filesystem.
Implementation that writes to filesystem the imported resources, using the target file path and extension specified.
Mojo to import resources from REST root path to filesystem.
Indexes resources from Redmine using the REST API
Indexes resources from XWiki using the REST API
Loads resource from Redmine wiki pages using the REST API
Loads resource from REST
Loads resource from XWiki pages using the REST API
Represents a resource retrieved from a REST API.
Exports resources to a REST root URI.
Imports a resource index retrieved from the REST root URI.
Indexes the resources available from the REST root URI.
Uploads text resource to REST path.
Provides access to REST resources
Uploads resource to Redmine wiki pages using the REST API
Uploads resource to REST
Uploads resource to XWiki pages using the REST API