JBehave Web - Version 3.5.5 (Nov 25, 2012)
[JBEHAVE-805 ] - Upgrade to Selenium 2.26.0 and Selenium Fluent 1.6.3
JBehave Web - Version 3.5.4 (Jul 5, 2012)
[JBEHAVE-793 ] - jbehave-web-selenium fails with firefox 13.0.1
JBehave Web - Version 3.5.3 (Apr 30, 2012)
[JBEHAVE-775 ] - Update web archetypes to be in sync with tutorials
JBehave Web - Version 3.5.2 (Apr 10, 2012)
[JBEHAVE-761 ] - Update Selenium dependencies to latest releases
JBehave Web - Version 3.5.1 (Apr 4, 2012)
[JBEHAVE-759 ] - eliminate LazyWebDriver (internal implementation)
JBehave Web - Version 3.5 (Mar 29, 2012)
[JBEHAVE-654 ] - LocalFrameContextView is succeptible to something like XSS (not a security issue though)
[JBEHAVE-682 ] - SauceContextStoryReporter should be handle cancel jobs on the SauceLabs stack (timeouts)
[JBEHAVE-750 ] - WebDriverPage + FluentWebDriver page should more strictly honor the WebDriverProver way of operating
[JBEHAVE-752 ] - SeleniumScreenshotOnFailure paths should use File.separator for better cross-platform support
[JBEHAVE-603 ] - Add retry and better logging for situations where WebDriverScreenshotOnFailure can't retrieve and save the screenshot.
[JBEHAVE-605 ] - Allow choice of Selenium version on Saucelabs - via system property : selenium.version
[JBEHAVE-613 ] - PicoConainer Injection type for typical Groovy+WebDriver cases
[JBEHAVE-616 ] - Screenshots don't need to be taken for pending steps
[JBEHAVE-618 ] - Show SauceLabs URL in StoryNavigator JSON output
[JBEHAVE-620 ] - Allow FlashDriver javascript-enabled delegate to be injected
[JBEHAVE-658 ] - WebRunner should be responsible for all running functionality (sync and async)
[JBEHAVE-676 ] - Allow Build-ID on Saucelabs to be overridable
[JBEHAVE-677 ] - Allow Wrapping of Selenium2 CommandExecutor for Instrumentation purposes
[JBEHAVE-678 ] - Smarter setting of browser version on SauceLabs
[JBEHAVE-685 ] - Allow for specification of default Selenium version on SauceLabs, upgrade to 2.14
[JBEHAVE-692 ] - Improve SauceLabs settings interop.
[JBEHAVE-693 ] - Improve robustness around job timeout on SauceLabs
[JBEHAVE-714 ] - Move optional web-selenium classes to separate package so they can be excluded by OSGi compilers that don't play well with optional dependencies
[JBEHAVE-719 ] - Upgrade Groovy dependency to 1.8.6, and Selenium to 2.19
New Feature
[JBEHAVE-604 ] - Add SauceLabs ContextView
[JBEHAVE-612 ] - Groovy base page classes in web-selenium
[JBEHAVE-669 ] - WebRunner FindSteps should allow auto-completion of step patterns
[JBEHAVE-670 ] - WebRunner should manage the run context of multiple stories
[JBEHAVE-707 ] - Add Maven web archetypes
[JBEHAVE-734 ] - Page dump (capture of HTML) snapshot for failing tests, similar to screenshots
[JBEHAVE-742 ] - Command Journal for FirefoxDriver
JBehave Web - Version 3.4.3 (Nov 28, 2011)
[JBEHAVE-643 ] - SauceLabs URL printing to console twice.
[JBEHAVE-644 ] - Make SauceLabsCrossReference extensible by subclasses
JBehave Web - Version 3.4.2 (Nov 20, 2011)
[JBEHAVE-638 ] - Saucelabs pass/fail logic for their job-list and log is broken.
[JBEHAVE-639 ] - Additonal Saucelabs logging: "failed here" and "after scenario"
[JBEHAVE-640 ] - Upgrade Selenium to 2.13, make easier to choose version in web-selenium
JBehave Web - Version 3.4.1 (Nov 13, 2011)
[JBEHAVE-603 ] - Add retry and better logging for situations where WebDriverScreenshotOnFailure can't retrieve and save the screenshot.
[JBEHAVE-605 ] - Allow choice of Selenium version on Saucelabs - via system property : selenium.version
[JBEHAVE-613 ] - PicoConainer Injection type for typical Groovy+WebDriver cases
[JBEHAVE-616 ] - Screenshots don't need to be taken for pending steps
[JBEHAVE-618 ] - Show SauceLabs URL in StoryNavigator JSON output
[JBEHAVE-620 ] - Allow FlashDriver javascript-enabled delegate to be injected
New Feature
JBehave Web - Version 3.4 (Sep 11, 2011)
[JBEHAVE-486 ] - Firefox window not closing (by default) when failure occurs
[JBEHAVE-490 ] - Screenshots for failing scenarios are taken but not correlated with the story HTML output hyperlink
[JBEHAVE-493 ] - Split Firefox logic out of generic Type provider and into own class.
[JBEHAVE-494 ] - Create LazyWebDriver to allow for WebDriver canonical PageFactory.initElements(..) processing of annotated fields.
[JBEHAVE-524 ] - Add page URL to screenshot console message
[JBEHAVE-576 ] - Allow for setting of environment vars on Firefox binary (for DISPLAY amongst others)
[JBEHAVE-582 ] - Base WebDriverPage should implement HasCapabilities, JavascriptExecutor and HasInputDevices
[JBEHAVE-593 ] - Per-stories lifecycle steps requires same-thread executor service
New Feature
JBehave Web - Version 3.3.4 (Jun 1, 2011)
[JBEHAVE-524 ] - Add page URL to screenshot console message
JBehave Web - Version 3.3.3 (May 17, 2011)
[JBEHAVE-486 ] - Firefox window not closing (by default) when failure occurs
[JBEHAVE-490 ] - Screenshots for failing scenarios are taken but not correlated with the story HTML output hyperlink
[JBEHAVE-518 ] - Use of PageFactory (WebDriver idiom) can access LazyWebDriver instance, but required extended interfaces like JavascriptExecutor
[JBEHAVE-517 ] - Change SeleniumPage to implement Selenium (and delegate to methods)
JBehave Web - Version 3.3.2 (May 12, 2011)
[JBEHAVE-493 ] - Split Firefox logic out of generic Type provider and into own class.
[JBEHAVE-494 ] - Create LazyWebDriver to allow for WebDriver canonical PageFactory.initElements(..) processing of annotated fields.
JBehave Web - Version 3.3.1 (Apr 17, 2011)
[JBEHAVE-482 ] - Initialisation errors in RemoteWebDriverProvider are not being reported
JBehave Web - Version 3.3 (Apr 1, 2011)
[JBEHAVE-400 ] - Error in WebDriverProvider initialize method ignored due to NPE in StoryRunner
New Feature
[JBEHAVE-439 ] - Saucelabs execution capability
[JBEHAVE-462 ] - Add standalone WebQueue to run stories asynchronously and redirect output to story navigator
JBehave Web - Version 3.2 (Feb 22, 2011)
[JBEHAVE-421 ] - Use of String.toUpper/LowerCase() should be locale-aware
JBehave Web - Version 3.1.1 (Nov 11, 2010)
[JBEHAVE-381 ] - Support HtmlUnit WebDriver in PropertyWebDriverProvider
[JBEHAVE-382 ] - Add Selenium/WebDriverSteps to capture/save screenshot upon failing scenario
[JBEHAVE-383 ] - Support Android WebDriver in PropertyWebDriverProvider
[JBEHAVE-385 ] - PropertyWebDriverProvider should allow users to configure each WebDriver instance via a factory method
JBehave Web - Version 3.1 (Oct 29, 2010)
[JBEHAVE-378 ] - Add support for meta filtering in story running
New Feature
[JBEHAVE-345 ] - Add support for WebDriver API
[JBEHAVE-351 ] - ContextView for communicating the current context
[JBEHAVE-343 ] - Trader runner stories examples do not include css/js/images in jbehave-reports/view
JBehave Web - Version 3.0 (Sep 20, 2010)
[JBEHAVE-194 ] - Add monitoring to ArchivingFileManager
[JBEHAVE-251 ] - Selenium (under JBehave control) needs to be able to be instansiable at Story as well as Scenario level
New Feature
[JBEHAVE-188 ] - Allow viewing of unarchived file contents
[JBEHAVE-335 ] - Migrate Web Runner to use Wicket as web application framework
[JBEHAVE-336 ] - Find Steps page
[JBEHAVE-340 ] - Upgrade default dependency to Selenium 2 - backward compatible with Selenium 1
[JBEHAVE-341 ] - Add example of using SeleniumContext and SeleniumStepMonitor to report current scenario and step
JBehave Web - Version 2.1.6 (Dec 8, 2009)
[JBEHAVE-213 ] - Scenario runner form submission should support both GET and POST methods
JBehave Web - Version 2.1.5 (Dec 3, 2009)
[JBEHAVE-195 ] - Incorrect uploaded filename on Windows IE
JBehave Web - Version 2.1.4 (Oct 19, 2009)
[JBEHAVE-195 ] - Incorrect uploaded filename on Windows IE
JBehave Web - Version 2.1.3 (Oct 17, 2009)
[JBEHAVE-191 ] - Data file view URLs need to escape non-valid characters
[JBEHAVE-192 ] - Allow both relative and full path views for file contents
[JBEHAVE-194 ] - Add monitoring to ArchivingFileManager
JBehave Web - Version 2.1.2 (Oct 15, 2009)
[JBEHAVE-190 ] - File paths need to be normalised to use '/'
JBehave Web - Version 2.1.1 (Oct 14, 2009)
[JBEHAVE-187 ] - Data archive file content should be displayed using relative paths
New Feature
[JBEHAVE-188 ] - Allow viewing of unarchived file contents
JBehave Web - Version 2.1.1 (Oct 14, 2009)
[JBEHAVE-187 ] - Data archive file content should be displayed using relative paths
New Feature
[JBEHAVE-188 ] - Allow viewing of unarchived file contents
JBehave Web - Version 2.1 (Oct 11, 2009)
[JBEHAVE-181 ] - Use commons-compress for ZipFileArchiver
[JBEHAVE-182 ] - File upload failures in web runner should be more informative
New Feature
JBehave Web - Version 2.0.1 (Aug 26, 2009)
[JBEHAVE-171 ] - Allow Selenium to be injected in SeleniumSteps via constructor
[JBEHAVE-172 ] - Add Selenium StepsConfiguration and StepMonitor