Effective communication of behaviour is the main objective of BDD. Therefore, writing stories in the language spoken by the business users is essential. Both the patterns used to match the scenario steps to Java methods and the Keywords need to be expressed in the appropriate language.
By default, JBehave uses English as the story language, but supports stories to be written in any language. The LocalizedKeywords provides keywords in any given locale for which a properties bundle is found, by default in i18n/keywords_[locale].properties in the jbehave-core jar.
To write storeis in a given language, we need to specify three elements:
@RunWith (JUnitReportingRunner. class ) public abstract class LocalizedTraderStories extends JUnitStories { @Override public Configuration configuration() { ClassLoader classLoader = this .getClass().getClassLoader(); URL codeLocation = CodeLocations.codeLocationFromClass( this .getClass()); Keywords keywords = new LocalizedKeywords(locale()); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty( "encoding" , "UTF-8" ); Configuration configuration = new MostUsefulConfiguration() .useKeywords(keywords) .useStepCollector( new MarkUnmatchedStepsAsPending(keywords)) .useStoryParser( new RegexStoryParser(keywords)) .useStoryLoader( new LoadFromClasspath(classLoader)) .useDefaultStoryReporter( new ConsoleOutput(keywords)) .useStoryReporterBuilder( new StoryReporterBuilder() .withCodeLocation(codeLocation) .withPathResolver( new ResolveToSimpleName()) .withDefaultFormats() .withFormats(CONSOLE, TXT, HTML, XML) .withViewResources(properties) .withFailureTrace( false ) .withKeywords(keywords)) .useParameterConverters( new ParameterConverters() .addConverters( new ParameterConverters.ExamplesTableConverter(keywords))); return configuration; } @Override public InjectableStepsFactory stepsFactory() { return new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration(), traderSteps(), new BeforeAfterSteps()); } @Override protected List<String> storyPaths() { return new StoryFinder().findPaths(codeLocationFromClass( this .getClass()).getFile(), asList(storyPattern()), null ); } protected abstract Locale locale(); protected abstract String storyPattern(); protected abstract Object traderSteps(); } |
So, in the case of Italian, we'd have:
public class ItTraderStories extends LocalizedTraderStories { @Override protected Locale locale() { return new Locale( "it" ); } @Override protected String storyPattern() { return "**/*.storia" ; } @Override protected Object traderSteps() { return new ItTraderSteps(); } } |
The patterns annotating the steps instance methods must be in the same language configured for the story parsing:
public class ItTraderSteps { private Stock stock; private ExamplesTable table; @Given ( "ho un'azione con simbolo $symbol e una soglia di $threshold" ) public void stock( @Named ( "symbol" ) String symbol, @Named ( "threshold" ) double threshold) { stock = new Stock(symbol, threshold); } } |
Note that the keywords for a given locale not only allow the translation of the keywords used in parsing the textual story, but also the keywords used in the reporting of the story execution, e.g. Pending, NotPerformed and Failed.
A working example of story running in different languages can be found in trader-i18n example (see running examples).JBehave supports a number of languages out-of-the-box, allowing users to simply specify the locale in the LocalizedKeywords. You can verify which language is supported by looking at the i18n/ directory in the jbehave-core-resources.zip. If you'd like your language to be supported, you can contribute the keywords in that language and we'll happily add the language to the list of those supported out-of-the-box, see how to contribute.
Note that Java resource bundles require non-English language characters to be expressed as Unicode escaped characters (of the form \uxxxx where xxxx is 4-digit Hexadecimal number), using ISO-8859-1 encoding. There are a number of tools that enable easy conversion between your non-English language characters and Unicode escaped characters. A useful web-based tool for conversion to Unicode escaped characters is javaescape_tool.Write a properties bundle containing the following keywords and save it as i18n/keywords_xx.properties. E.g. for Italian i18n/keywords_it.properties:
Meta=Meta: MetaProperty=@ Narrative=Narrativa: InOrderTo=Per ottenere AsA=In qualit\u00E0 di IWantTo=Voglio SoThat=Al fine di Scenario=Scenario: GivenStories=Date le Storie\: Lifecycle=Ciclo di vita: Before=Prima: After=Dopo: ExamplesTable=Esempi: ExamplesTableRow=Esempio: ExamplesTableHeaderSeparator=| ExamplesTableValueSeparator=| ExamplesTableIgnorableSeparator=|-- Given=Dato che When=Quando Then=Allora And=E Ignorable=!-- Pending=IN SOSPESO NotPerformed=NON ESEGUITO Failed=FALLITO DryRun=ESECUZIONE SIMULATA StoryCancelled=STORIA SOPPRESSA Duration=DURATA Scope=Ambito: ScopeScenario=SCENARIO ScopeStory=STORIA MetaFilter=MetaFilter: Outcome=Esito: OutcomeAny=QUALUNQUE OutcomeSuccess=SUCCESSO OutcomeFailure=FALLIMENTO OutcomeDescription=Descrizione OutcomeValue=Valore OutcomeMatcher=Matcher OutcomeVerified=Verificato Yes=S\u00EC No=No |
Make sure the bundle is in the your classpath and identify it by locale (if using default bundle name):
Keywords keywords = new LocalizedKeywords( new Locale( "it" )); |
If using a non-standard bundle name, e.g. mykeywords/keys:
ClassLoader classLoader = ... // the classloader where to find the bundle from Keywords keywords = new LocalizedKeywords( new Locale( "it" ), "mykeywords/keys" , classLoader); |