Stable releases

The source zip will unpack into a directory named after its version, so multiple versions can easily be installed side by side in the same directory.

Note: The Core binary distribution comes without the dependencies bundled. Users should use the dependency management provided by their preferred network-enabled build tool - such as Maven, Ivy or Gradle. Alternatively, an Ant script is provided in lib/ directory to download all the dependencies in one go from the POM. Read DEPENDENCIES.txt file for instructions.


What do the release categories mean?

  • Stable: the recommended 3.x release, stable and feature complete.
  • Preview: a beta release towards a stable 4.x release. It is considered stable enough to be used but not all features may have been completed.
  • Latest: the latest snapshot.


Note: the download links will redirect to the latest release version for each category. Once the link is clicked the version will be shown on the artifact being downloaded.

Core bin | src bin | src
Web bin | src bin | src

Alternatively, users can chose the version to download from Core Distribution or Web Distribution.

Eclipse Plugin

The JBehave Eclipse Plugin can be installed from any Eclipse distribution (Indigo or above). See Eclipse Integration.
