Below is a detailed outlay of the grammar JBehave understands. It is expressed in EBNF.
; JBehave Grammar expressed in EBNF ( ; The story describes a feature via description, narrative and a set of scenarios Story := Description? Meta ? Narrative ? GivenStories ? Lifecycle? Scenario + ; ; The Description is expressed by any sequence of words that must not contain any keywords at start of lines. Description := (Word Space?)* ; ; The meta is identified by keyword " Meta :" (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale), ; It is followed by any number of meta elements Meta := " Meta :" (MetaElement)* ; ; The meta element is identified by keyword "@" (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale), ; It is followed by a name-value pair, where the value can be empty or have multiple words MetaElement:= "@" Space? Word Space (Word Space?)* ; ; The narrative is identified by keyword " Narrative :" (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale), ; It is followed by the narrative elements Narrative := " Narrative :" ( InOrderTo AsA IWantTo | AsA IWantTo SoThat ) ; ; The narrative elements InOrderTo:= "In order to" NarrativeElementContent ; AsA:= "As a" NarrativeElementContent ; IWantTo:= "I want to" NarrativeElementContent ; SoThat:= "So that" NarrativeElementContent ; ; The narrative element content is any sequence of characters that do not match a narrative starting word NarrativeElementContent := ? Any sequence of NarrativeCharacter that does not match NarrativeStartingWord ? ; ; All characters are allowed in a narrative content, including newlines NarrativeCharacter := ? Any Unicode character ? ; ; The narrative starting words (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale) NarrativeStartingWord := ("In order to" | "As a" | "I want to" | "So that") ; ; The comma-separated list of story resources that specify the stories to be run before a story or a scenario GivenStories := " GivenStories :" (StoryPath ','?)+ ; ; The lifecycle is identified by keyword "Lifecycle:" (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale), ; It is followed by the lifecycle elements Lifecycle:= "Lifecycle:" LifecycleBefore? LifecycleAfter? Examples ? ; The before lifecycle element identified by keyword "Before:" (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale), ; followed by one or more steps LifecycleBefore:= "Before:" (Scope? Step+)+ ; The after lifecycle element identified by keyword "After:" (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale), ; followed by one or more sets of scope, outcome, meta filter and steps LifecycleAfter:= "After:" (Scope? Outcome? MetaFilter? Step+)+ ; The scope element identified by keyword "Scope:" (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale), Scope:= "Scope:" "STEP" | "SCENARIO" | "STORY" ; The outcome element identified by keyword "Outcome:" (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale), Outcome:= "Outcome:" "ANY" | "SUCCESS" | "FAILURE" ; ; The meta filter element identified by keyword "MetaFilter:" (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale), MetaFilter:= "MetaFilter:" (Word Space?)* ; The scenario is identified by keyword " Scenario :" (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale), ; which is optional in the case of a single scenario. ; It can optionally be followed by a title, which is expressed by any sequence of words ; that must not contain any keywords at start of lines. ; It is followed by one or more Steps. ; Scenarios can optionally contain comments (which are not part of the scenarios) after examples using "!--" keyword Scenario := " Scenario :"? Title? Meta ? GivenStories ? Step+ Examples ? ( Examples Comment+)? ; ; The free-text description Title := (Word Space?)* ; ; The word is any sequence of non-space characters that does not match a KeyWord Word := ? Any sequence of NonSpaceCharacter that does not match KeyWord ? ; ; The space character Space := ? Unicode space character ? ; ; The non-space character NonSpaceCharacter := ? Any Unicode character except Space ? ; ; The keywords which are reserved (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale) KeyWord := " Scenario :" | " GivenStories :" | " Given " | " When " | " Then " | " And " | "!--" ; ; The story resource path StoryPath := PathCharacter+ ; ; The characters allowed in a resource path PathCharacter := "/" | "." | "_" | Letter | Digit ; ; The letter characters Letter := ? Any Unicode letter character ? ; ; The digit characters Digit := ? Any Unicode digit character ? ; ; The scenario step is a step starting work followed by any number of characters Step := StepStartingWord StepContent ; ; The step starting words (or equivalent in I18n-ed locale) StepStartingWord := (" Given " | " When " | " Then " | " And " | "!--" ) ; ; The step content is any sequence of characters that do not match a step starting word StepContent := ? Any sequence of StepCharacter that does not match StepStartingWord ? ; ; All characters are allowed in a scenario step content, including newlines StepCharacter := ? Any Unicode character ? ; ; The examples table Examples := " Examples :" ExamplesTable ; ; The examples table comprises of a header row and data rows ExamplesTable := ExamplesTableHeader ExamplesTableRow+ ; ; The examples table header contains the column names, separated by ExamplesTableColumnSeparator ExamplesTableHeader := (ExamplesTableColumnSeparator ExamplesTableCharacter+)+ ExamplesTableColumnSeparator Newline ; ; The examples table row contains the column values, separated by ExamplesTableColumnSeparator ExamplesTableRow := (ExamplesTableColumnSeparator ExamplesTableCharacter+)+ ExamplesTableColumnSeparator Newline ; ; The examples table character can be any character, expect for ExamplesTableColumnSeparator and Newline ExamplesTableCharacter := ? Any Unicode character except ExamplesTableColumnSeparator and Newline ? ; ; The examples table column separator ExamplesTableColumnSeparator := "|" ; ; The comment Comment := Any sequence of characters starting from "!--" keyword ; The new line character Newline := ? Unicode newline character ? ; |