Interface Summary | |
ContextView | ContextView allows the viewing of context-related messages. |
WebDriverProvider |
Class Summary | |
ContextView.NULL | |
DefaultWebDriverProvider | Provides FirefoxDriver instances. |
DelegatingWebDriverProvider | Delegating abstract implementation that provides WebDriver s specified
by the concrete delegate. |
DisplayIdPool | |
DisplayPoolingFirefoxWebDriverProvider | |
FirefoxWebDriverProvider | Provides Firefox WebDriver instances, using a profile if the name
is provided via the system property FirefoxWebDriverProvider.FIREFOX_PROFILE . |
FirefoxWebDriverProvider.OverriddenFirefoxDriver | |
FirefoxWebDriverProvider.WebDriverJournal | |
FlashDriver | A WebDriver decorator that allows interaction with a Flash object via Javascript calls. |
FlashPage | |
FlashWebDriverProvider | Provides FlashDriver instances, using the Flash object ID and the Javascript-enabled WebDriver (i.e. |
FluentWebDriverPage | |
GroovyFluentWebDriverPage | |
GroovyGebFluentWebDriverPage | |
GroovyWebDriverPage | |
LocalFrameContextView | |
PerScenarioSeleniumSteps | Steps implementation that can be used before and after lifecycle in Selenium-based stories. |
PerScenarioWebDriverSteps | Steps implementation that can be used before and after lifecycle in WebDriver-based stories. |
PerStoriesSeleniumSteps | Steps implementation that can be used before and after lifecycle in Selenium-based stories. |
PerStoriesWebDriverSteps | Steps implementation that can be used before and after lifecycle in WebDriver-based stories. |
PerStorySeleniumSteps | Steps implementation that can be used before and after lifecycle in Selenium-based stories. |
PerStoryWebDriverSteps | Steps implementation that can be used before and after lifecycle in WebDriver-based stories. |
PropertyWebDriverProvider | Provides WebDriver instances based on system property "browser":
"android": AndroidDriver
"chrome": ChromeDriver
"firefox": FirefoxDriver
"htmlunit": HtmlUnitDriver
"ie": InternetExplorerDriver
Property values are case-insensitive and defaults to "firefox" if no
"browser" system property is found. |
RemoteWebDriverProvider |
Provides a RemoteWebDriver that connects to a URL specified by system
property "REMOTE_WEBDRIVER_URL" and allows to take screenshots. |
SauceContextOutput | A Format that uses SauceContextStoryReporter . |
SauceContextOutput.SauceLabsCrossReference | |
SauceContextOutput.SauceLabsXRefRoot | |
SauceContextOutput.SauceLabsXRefStory | |
SauceContextStoryReporter | A StoryReporter that passes back to SauceLabs the executed job results. |
SauceLabsContextView | |
SauceWebDriverProvider | Allows to connect to Sauce Labs to run Selenium tests in the cloud. |
SeleniumConfiguration | Extends Configuration to provide Selenium-based components. |
SeleniumContext | |
SeleniumContextOutput | |
SeleniumContextStoryReporter | |
SeleniumContextView | Selenium-based ContextView, that delegates to the
Selenium.setContext(String) . |
SeleniumPage | Abstract base class for pages that use the Selenium API. |
SeleniumPage.NonBlank | |
SeleniumScreenshotOnFailure | SeleniumSteps that capture screenshot upon failure in a scenario outcome. |
SeleniumStepMonitor | Decorator of StepMonitor which adds communication of current context
to ContextView . |
SeleniumSteps | Base steps class that can be used in scenarios that use the Selenium API. |
TypeWebDriverProvider | Provides WebDriver instances of given type, instantiating it using the default constructor. |
WebDriverHtmlOutput | This variation to HtmlOutput inlines a screenshot of the failure taken by WebDriver. |
WebDriverPage | Abstract base class for pages that use the WebDriver API. |
WebDriverPageDumpOnFailure | WebDriverSteps that save a page dump upon failure in a scenario outcome. |
WebDriverScreenshotOnFailure | WebDriverSteps that save screenshot upon failure in a scenario outcome. |
WebDriverSteps | Base steps class that can be used in scenarios that use the WebDriver API. |
Enum Summary | |
PropertyWebDriverProvider.Browser |
Exception Summary | |
DelegatingWebDriverProvider.DelegateWebDriverNotFound | |
FlashDriver.JavascriptNotSupported | |
FlashPage.FlashNotSupported | |
RemoteWebDriverProvider.SauceLabsJobHasEnded |