All Classes and Interfaces

PathCalculator that returns the path provided
Represents the possible step results: Failed NotPerformed Pending Successful Ignorable Skipped
An abstract implementation of InjectableStepsFactory that is provided by concrete subclasses Object instances which contain the candidate steps methods.
A JUnit Runner that uses the AnnotationBuilder to create an embeddable test instance.
A JUnit Runner that uses a UsingPaths annotation to specify which story paths to run and uses the RunNotifier to provide a Description for each.
Allows the building of Configuration, CandidateSteps and Embedder from an annotated class.
Helper class to find and retrieve annotated values
Thrown when an annotation is required and not found.
Story reporter that outputs as ANSI-coded text to System.out.
Thrown when methods, annotated with before or after annotations (story or scenario), fail.
A BeforeOrAfterStep is associated to a Java method annotated with BeforeStory, AfterStory, BeforeScenario or AfterScenario in a CandidateSteps instance class.
Interface providing the list of step candidates, representing methods annotated with @Given, @When or @Then that can be matched.
Resolves story paths while preserving the Java class case, e.g.: "" -> "org/jbehave/core/ICanLogin.story".
Implementation of Row that chains delegate Rows in resolving requests for values.
Collection of utility methods to create code location URLs
Represents a composite step, which can be declared both programmatically, via the @Composite annotation, or via a textual representation.
Parses the composite steps from their textual representation.
An InjectableStepsFactory that composes CandidateSteps created from other factories.
When running a multithreading mode, reports cannot be written concurrently but should be delayed and invoked only at the end of a story, ensuring synchronization on the delegate responsible for the reporting.
Indicates that the step should be performed only if the specified condition is met.
Abstract implementation of Embeddable which extends InjectableEmbedder to allow the configuration using the Configuration and the InjectableStepsFactory specified.
Provides the configuration used by the Embedder and the in the Embeddable implementations to customise its runtime properties.
Story reporter that outputs as TXT to System.out.
Holds context-related information
Decorator of StepMonitor which shows the current context via the ContextView.
ContextView allows the viewing of context-related messages.
Implementation of Parameters that uses ParameterConverters to convert values.
Monitor which collects other EmbedderMonitors and delegates all invocations to the collected monitors.
Monitor which collects other StepMonitors and delegates all invocations to the collected monitors.
Reporter which collects other StoryReporters and delegates all invocations to the collected reporters.
Monitor which collects other TableTransformerMonitor-s and delegates all invocations to the collected monitors.
Creates instances of MoreExecutors.newDirectExecutorService().
Represents a runnable facade to the Embedder.
The Embedder is a facade allowing all functionality to be embedded into other run contexts, such as IDEs (e.g.
EmbedderClassLoader is a URLClassLoader with a specified list of classpath elements.
Holds values used by the Embedder to control execution flow.
Represents a tabular structure that holds rows of example data for parameters named via the column headers:
Factory that creates instances of ExamplesTable from different type of inputs: table text input, i.e.
FailureStrategy allows to define failure handling strategies.
Creates PrintStream instances that write to a file identified by the StoryLocation.
Resolves directory from code location parent file.
Configuration class for file print streams.
Resolves story location path to java packaged name, replacing '/' with '.'
Resolves story location path to simple name, considering portion after last '/'.
Creates instances of Executors.newFixedThreadPool(int).
A Format is a StoryReporter factory, allowing named-based pre-defined story reporters to be configured via the StoryReporterBuilder.withFormats(Format...) method.
Freemarker-based ViewGenerator, which uses the configured FTL templates for the views.
Story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream, as HTML.
A templateable output that generates HTML.
Outputs to the console only if running in an IDE.
Runtime exception thrown to indicate that the current and following steps should be ignored
Abstract implementation of Embeddable which allows to inject the Embedder used to run the story or stories.
Interface abstracting the creation of CandidateSteps.
An InjectableStepsFactory that is provided Object instances.
Thrown when a story resource is not valid
Find all matching file entries in a jar.
Story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream, as JSON.
A templateable output that generates JSON.
JUnit-runnable entry-point to run multiple stories specified by JupiterStories.storyPaths().
JUnit-runnable entry-point to run a single story using the configured StoryPathResolver to resolve the story path from the instance class name.
JUnit-runnable entry-point to map stories specified by JupiterStories.storyPaths(), using the meta filters specified by JUnitStoryMaps.metaFilters().
Jupiter-runnable entry-point to run multiple stories specified by JupiterStories.storyPaths().
Provides the keywords which allow parsers to find steps in stories and match those steps with candidates through the annotations.
Runtime exception thrown to indicate the occurrence of a known failure.
Loads story resources from classpath
Loads story resources from relative file paths that are traversal to a given location.
For use the the varargs constructor of LoadFromRelativeFile, to allow a range of possibilities for locating Story file paths
Loads story resources from URL
Adds i18n support to Keywords, allowing to read the keywords from resource bundles for a given locale.
StepCollector that marks unmatched steps as AbstractStepResult.Pending.
Allows filtering on meta info.
The configuration that works for most situations that users are likely to encounter.
Null Object Pattern implementation of StepMonitor.
Null-object implementation of StoryReporter.
Represents a tabular structure that holds OutcomesTable.Outcomes to be verified by invoking method OutcomesTable.verify().
Facade responsible for converting parameter values to Java objects.
Parses value to a Date using an injectable DateFormat (defaults to new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"))
Parses value to any Enum
Parses value to list of the same Enum, using an injectable value separator (defaults to ",") and trimming each element of the list.
Converts value to ExamplesTable using a ExamplesTableFactory.
Converts ExamplesTable to list of parameters, mapped to annotated custom types.
An ParameterConverters.EnumConverter allowing stories prose to be more natural.
Invokes method on instance to return value.
Converts values to numbers, supporting any subclass of Number (including generic Number type), and it unboxed counterpart, using a NumberFormat to parse to a Number and to convert it to a specific number type: Byte, byte: Number.byteValue() Short, short: Number.shortValue() Integer, int: Number.intValue() Float, float: Number.floatValue() Long, long: Number.longValue() Double, double: Number.doubleValue() BigInteger: BigInteger.valueOf(long) BigDecimal: BigDecimal.valueOf(double) If no number format is provided, it defaults to NumberFormat.getInstance().
Converts value to list of numbers.
A parameter converter for generic type of source input and target output.
Converts value to list of String.
Provides parameter values as given types
The configuration that uses: Paranamer: CachingParanamer
Calculates the paths to given stories.
Builds a set of pattern variants of given pattern input, supporting a custom directives.
Thrown when a pending step is found
Thrown when a pending step is found
PendingStepStrategy allows to define how pending steps are handled.
Creates a tree of PerformableTree.Performable objects for a set of stories, grouping sets of performable steps for each story and scenario, and adding before and after stories steps.
The context for running a story.
Reporter that collects statistics and writes them as properties to output stream after each story
Abstract monitor that reports to output which should be defined in child implementations.
Abstract monitor that reports to output which should be defined in child implementations.
Abstract StepMonitor that prints to output which should be defined in child implementations.
Monitor that reports to a PrintStream, defaulting to System.out
Monitor that reports to a PrintStream, defaulting to System.out
Monitor that reports to a PrintStream, defaulting to System.out
Creates PrintStream instances.
Abstract story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream.
StepMonitor that prints to a PrintStream, defaulting to System.out.
PropertyBasedConfiguration is backed by MostUsefulConfiguration as default, but has different behaviour if certain system properties are set: PropertyBasedConfiguration.FAIL_ON_PENDING: uses FailingUponPendingStep PropertyBasedConfiguration.SILENT_SUCCESS: uses SilentSuccessFilter decorator
An InjectableStepsFactory that is provided with the CandidateSteps instances.
Pattern-based composite parser, which uses the keywords provided to parse the textual composite steps into a list of Composite.
A step pattern parser that provides a step matcher which will capture parameters starting with the given prefix in any matching step.
Pattern-based story parser, which uses the keywords provided to parse the textual story into a Story.
PathCalculator that finds given stories relative to the current story.
Monitor that reports to PrintStream only failure events
Runtime exception thrown to indicate that the scenario should be restarted.
Runtime exception thrown to indicate that the story should be restarted.
Represents a row in an ExamplesTable.
An InjectableStepsFactory that scans for classes in the classpath.
Monitor that reports nothing
StepMonitor that prints nothings.
Filters out the reports from all stories that pass, The delegate receives output only for failing or pending stories.
A Step represents a runnable portion of a Scenario, which matches methods annotated in CandidateSteps instances.
A StepCandidate is associated to a Java method annotated with Given, When, Then in a steps instance class.
Represents the strategy for the collection of executable Steps from a story or scenario matching a list of StepCandidates.
This is a different class, because the @Inject jar may not be in the classpath.
A Stepdoc represents the documentation on a single StepCandidate, which includes: the step type the pattern to match the step candidate that is configured in the annotation the method in the steps instance class the steps instance class
Thrown when a step execution has failed
When a step fails, the Throwable that caused the failure is wrapped in a StepFailed together with the step during which the failure occurred.
StepFinder is reponsible for finding and prioritising step candidates or finding steps instances from CandidateSteps, which are created using an InjectableStepsFactory.
Strategy to priorise candidate steps by Levenshtein Distance
Strategy to priorise step candidates by the StepCandidate.getPriority() field which is settable in the Given, When, Then annotations.
Defines the priorising strategy of step candidates
A step matcher is responsible for matching steps against a given step pattern and extracting the parameters for the step
Interface to monitor step events
Represents a step pattern, as provided in the method annotations.
Parses a step pattern, as provided in the method annotations, creating a StepMatcher which will in turn match textual steps conforming to the pattern.
Default implementation of CandidateSteps which provides the step candidates that match the steps being run.
Holds runtime context-related objects.
Enum representing the step types
Holds flags used to control story execution flow.
Finds stories by scanning source paths, which can be either filesystem directories or jars.
Represents a Swim Lane view of StoryMaps.
Abstraction of a story location, handling cases in which story path is defined as a resource in classpath or as a URL.
Manages the execution and outcomes of running stories.
Groups a set of Storys by meta filter.
Maps Storys by a MetaFilter.
Provides an view of a list of StoryMaps, indexed by meta filters.
Resolves story names from their paths.
Parses the stories contained in a story from a textual representation.
Resolves story paths converting the Java Embeddable class to a resource path.
Allows the runner to report the state of running stories
A Format that wraps a StoryReporter instance provided.
Thrown when a story resource is not found
Splits story into the list of stories basing on Lifecycle ExamplesTable and the provided story index format.
A digit parser for timeouts
A simple parser for timeouts of format: 1d 2h 30m 15s.
A breadcrumb-based naming strategy: [story path with breadcrumbs].[story name].[scenario title]
A simple naming strategy: [story name].[scenario title]
Interface to monitor table transformer events
Facade responsible for transforming table string representations.
Decorates console output to allow TeamCity build script interaction: *
Story reporter that outputs to a template.
ViewGenerator, which uses the configured TemplateProcessor to generate the views from templates.
Story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream, as TXT.
Resolves story paths converting the camel-cased Java core class to lower-case underscore-separated paths e.g.: "" -> "org/jbehave/core/i_can_login.story".
Decorator of Configuration that disables modification of configuration elements.
Wraps an exception by adding an UUID.
Represents a text content that needs to rendered verbatim, ie as it is laid out in the original textual representation.
A view generator is responsible for creating a collective views of stories, either story maps or file-based reports of stories run.
Story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream, as XML.
A templateable output that generates XML.