ANSIConsoleOutput |
Story reporter that outputs as ANSI-coded text to System.out.
ConcurrentStoryReporter |
When running a multithreading mode, reports cannot be written concurrently but should
be delayed and invoked only at the end of a story, ensuring synchronization on the delegate
responsible for the reporting.
ConcurrentStoryReporter.DelayedMethod |
ConsoleOutput |
Story reporter that outputs as TXT to System.out.
ContextOutput |
ContextStoryReporter |
DelegatingStoryReporter |
Reporter which collects other StoryReporter s and delegates all
invocations to the collected reporters.
FilePrintStreamFactory |
FilePrintStreamFactory.AbstractPathResolver |
Resolves directory from code location parent file.
FilePrintStreamFactory.FileConfiguration |
Configuration class for file print streams.
FilePrintStreamFactory.FilePrintStream |
FilePrintStreamFactory.ResolveToPackagedName |
Resolves story location path to java packaged name, replacing '/' with '.'
FilePrintStreamFactory.ResolveToSimpleName |
Resolves story location path to simple name, considering portion after last '/'.
Format |
FreemarkerProcessor |
FreemarkerViewGenerator |
Freemarker-based ViewGenerator , which uses the configured FTL templates for the views.
HtmlOutput |
Story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream, as HTML.
HtmlTemplateOutput |
A templateable output that generates HTML.
IdeOnlyConsoleOutput |
Outputs to the console only if running in an IDE.
JsonOutput |
Story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream, as JSON.
JsonTemplateOutput |
A templateable output that generates JSON.
NullStoryReporter |
PostStoryStatisticsCollector |
Reporter that collects statistics and writes them as properties to output
stream after each story
PrintingStepdocReporter |
PrintStreamOutput |
Abstract story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream.
PrintStreamStepdocReporter |
ReportsCount |
SGRCodes |
SilentSuccessFilter |
Filters out the reports from all stories that pass, The delegate receives
output only for failing or pending stories.
StackTraceFormatter |
StepFailureDecorator |
When a step fails, the Throwable that caused the failure is wrapped
in a StepFailed together with the step during which the failure
StoryReporterBuilder |
StoryReporterBuilder.ProvidedFormat |
A Format that wraps a StoryReporter instance provided.
SurefireReporter |
SurefireReporter.BreadcrumbNamingStrategy |
A breadcrumb-based naming strategy: [story path with breadcrumbs].[story name].[scenario title]
SurefireReporter.Options |
SurefireReporter.SimpleNamingStrategy |
A simple naming strategy: [story name].[scenario title]
SurefireReporter.TestCase |
SurefireReporter.TestCounts |
SurefireReporter.TestFailure |
SurefireReporter.TestSuite |
TeamCityConsoleOutput |
Decorates console output to allow TeamCity build script interaction: *
TemplateableOutput |
Story reporter that outputs to a template.
TemplateableOutput.OutputKeywords |
TemplateableOutput.OutputLifecycle |
TemplateableOutput.OutputMeta |
TemplateableOutput.OutputNarrative |
TemplateableOutput.OutputParameter |
TemplateableOutput.OutputRestart |
TemplateableOutput.OutputScenario |
TemplateableOutput.OutputStep |
TemplateableOutput.OutputStory |
TemplateableViewGenerator |
TemplateableViewGenerator.Report |
TemplateableViewGenerator.Reports |
TemplateableViewGenerator.TimeFormatter |
TxtOutput |
Story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream, as TXT.
XmlOutput |
Story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream, as XML.
XmlTemplateOutput |
A templateable output that generates XML.