AbsolutePathCalculator |
AbstractCandidateSteps |
AbstractStepResult |
Represents the possible step results:
AbstractStepResult.Comment |
AbstractStepResult.Failed |
AbstractStepResult.Ignorable |
AbstractStepResult.NotPerformed |
AbstractStepResult.Pending |
AbstractStepResult.Skipped |
AbstractStepResult.Successful |
AbstractStepsFactory |
An abstract implementation of InjectableStepsFactory that is provided
by concrete subclasses Object instances which contain the candidate steps
AbstractStepsFactory.StepsInstanceNotFound |
AbstractStoryPathResolver |
AfterScenario |
AfterScenario.Outcome |
AfterStories |
AfterStory |
Alias |
Alias |
Aliases |
AliasParser |
AliasVariant |
AllStepCandidates |
AncestorDelegatingResolver |
AnnotatedEmbedderRunner |
A JUnit Runner that uses the AnnotationBuilder to
create an embeddable test instance.
AnnotatedEmbedderUtils |
AnnotatedEmbedderUtils.AnnotatedEmbedderRunnerInstantiationFailed |
AnnotatedEmbedderUtils.ClassLoadingFailed |
AnnotatedEmbedderUtils.MissingAnnotatedEmbedderRunner |
AnnotatedPathRunner |
A JUnit Runner that uses a UsingPaths annotation to specify
which story paths to run and uses the RunNotifier to provide a
Description for each.
AnnotationBuilder |
AnnotationBuilder.InstantiationFailed |
AnnotationFinder |
Helper class to find and retrieve annotated values
AnnotationMonitor |
AnnotationRequired |
Thrown when an annotation is required and not found.
ANSIConsoleOutput |
Story reporter that outputs as ANSI-coded text to System.out.
AsJson |
AsParameterConverter |
AsParameters |
BatchFailures |
BeforeOrAfterFailed |
Thrown when methods, annotated with before or after annotations (story or scenario),
BeforeOrAfterStep |
BeforeScenario |
BeforeStories |
BeforeStory |
CandidateSteps |
Interface providing the list of step candidates, representing methods
annotated with @Given , @When
or @Then
that can be matched.
CasePreservingResolver |
Resolves story paths while preserving the Java class case, e.g.:
"org.jbehave.core.ICanLogin.java" -> "org/jbehave/core/ICanLogin.story".
ChainedRow |
Implementation of Row that chains delegate Rows in resolving requests for
CodeLocations |
Collection of utility methods to create code location URLs
CodeLocations.InvalidCodeLocation |
Composite |
Composite |
Represents a composite step, which can be declared both programmatically, via the
@Composite annotation, or via a textual representation.
CompositeCandidateSteps |
CompositeParser |
Parses the composite steps from their textual representation.
CompositeStepsFactory |
ConcurrentStoryReporter |
When running a multithreading mode, reports cannot be written concurrently but should
be delayed and invoked only at the end of a story, ensuring synchronization on the delegate
responsible for the reporting.
ConcurrentStoryReporter.DelayedMethod |
Conditional |
Indicates that the step should be performed only if the specified condition is met.
ConditionalStepCandidate |
ConfigurableEmbedder |
Configuration |
Provides the configuration used by the Embedder and the in the
Embeddable implementations to customise its runtime properties.
Configure |
ConsoleOutput |
Story reporter that outputs as TXT to System.out.
Context |
Holds context-related information
ContextOutput |
ContextStepMonitor |
ContextStoryReporter |
ContextView |
ContextView allows the viewing of context-related messages.
ContextView.NULL |
ConvertedParameters |
ConvertedParameters.ParametersNotMappableToType |
ConvertedParameters.ValueNotFound |
DelegatingStepMonitor |
Monitor which collects other StepMonitor s and delegates all invocations to the collected monitors.
DelegatingStoryReporter |
Reporter which collects other StoryReporter s and delegates all
invocations to the collected reporters.
DelegatingTableTransformerMonitor |
Description |
DirectExecutorService |
Creates instances of MoreExecutors.newDirectExecutorService() .
DuplicateCandidateFound |
Embeddable |
Represents a runnable facade to the Embedder .
Embedder |
The Embedder is a facade allowing all functionality to be embedded into other
run contexts, such as IDEs (e.g.
Embedder.AnnotatedEmbedderRunFailed |
Embedder.EmbedderFailureStrategy |
Embedder.RunningEmbeddablesFailed |
Embedder.RunningStoriesFailed |
Embedder.ThrowingRunningStoriesFailed |
Embedder.ViewGenerationFailed |
EmbedderClassLoader |
EmbedderClassLoader is a URLClassLoader with a specified list of classpath
EmbedderClassLoader.InstantiationFailed |
EmbedderClassLoader.InvalidClasspathElement |
EmbedderControls |
Holds values used by the Embedder to control execution flow.
EmbedderMonitor |
EmbedderMonitorDecorator |
Decorator of EmbedderMonitor that delegates to an injected instance and
allows classes extending it to override only the methods that are needed.
EscapeMode |
ExamplesTable |
Represents a tabular structure that holds rows of example data for parameters named via the column headers:
ExamplesTable.ColumnNotFound |
ExamplesTable.NonDistinctColumnFound |
ExamplesTable.RowNotFound |
ExamplesTable.TableProperties |
ExamplesTable.TableProperties.Decorator |
ExamplesTable.TableRows |
ExamplesTableFactory |
Factory that creates instances of ExamplesTable from different type of
table text input, i.e.
ExamplesTableStringBuilder |
ExecutorServiceFactory |
FailingUponPendingStep |
FailureStrategy |
FailureStrategy allows to define failure handling strategies.
FilePrintStreamFactory |
FilePrintStreamFactory.AbstractPathResolver |
Resolves directory from code location parent file.
FilePrintStreamFactory.FileConfiguration |
Configuration class for file print streams.
FilePrintStreamFactory.FilePathResolver |
FilePrintStreamFactory.FilePrintStream |
FilePrintStreamFactory.ResolveToPackagedName |
Resolves story location path to java packaged name, replacing '/' with '.'
FilePrintStreamFactory.ResolveToSimpleName |
Resolves story location path to simple name, considering portion after last '/'.
FilteredStory |
FixedThreadExecutors |
Format |
FreemarkerProcessor |
FreemarkerProcessor.FreemarkerProcessingFailed |
FreemarkerViewGenerator |
Freemarker-based ViewGenerator , which uses the configured FTL templates for the views.
FromContext |
Given |
GivenStories |
GivenStory |
HtmlOutput |
Story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream, as HTML.
HtmlTemplateOutput |
A templateable output that generates HTML.
IdeOnlyConsoleOutput |
Outputs to the console only if running in an IDE.
IgnoringStepsFailure |
Runtime exception thrown to indicate that the current and following steps should be ignored
ImmutableExamplesTable |
InjectableEmbedder |
Abstract implementation of Embeddable which allows to inject
the Embedder used to run the story or stories.
InjectableStepsFactory |
InstanceStepConditionMatcher |
InstanceStepsFactory |
InvalidStoryResource |
Thrown when a story resource is not valid
JarFileScanner |
Find all matching file entries in a jar.
JFrameContextView |
JsonAliasParser |
JsonAliasParser.InvalidAliasType |
JsonOutput |
Story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream, as JSON.
JsonTemplateOutput |
A templateable output that generates JSON.
JUnit4DescriptionGenerator |
JUnit4DescriptionGenerator.JUnit4Test |
JUnit4StoryReporter |
JUnit4StoryRunner |
JUnitStories |
JUnitStory |
JUnit-runnable entry-point to run a single story using the configured StoryPathResolver
to resolve the story path from the instance class name.
JUnitStoryMaps |
JupiterStories |
Keywords |
Provides the keywords which allow parsers to find steps in stories and match
those steps with candidates through the annotations.
Keywords.KeywordNotFound |
Keywords.StartingWordNotFound |
KnownFailure |
Runtime exception thrown to indicate the occurrence of a known failure.
Lifecycle |
Lifecycle.ExecutionType |
Lifecycle.Steps |
LoadFromClasspath |
Loads story resources from classpath
LoadFromRelativeFile |
Loads story resources from relative file paths that are traversal to a given location.
LoadFromRelativeFile.StoryFilePath |
For use the the varargs constructor of LoadFromRelativeFile , to
allow a range of possibilities for locating Story file paths
LoadFromURL |
Loads story resources from URL
LocalizedKeywords |
Adds i18n support to Keywords, allowing to read the keywords from resource
bundles for a given locale.
LocalizedKeywords.LocalizedKeywordNotFound |
LocalizedKeywords.ResourceBundleNotFound |
MarkUnmatchedStepsAsPending |
MatchingStepMonitor |
MatchingStepMonitor.StepMatch |
Meta |
Meta.Property |
MetaFilter |
Allows filtering on meta info.
MetaFilter.MetaMatcher |
MostUsefulConfiguration |
The configuration that works for most situations that users are likely to encounter.
Named |
Narrative |
NullAnnotationMonitor |
NullEmbedderMonitor |
NullStepMonitor |
NullStoryReporter |
NullTableTransformerMonitor |
OutcomesTable |
OutcomesTable.FormatTypeInvalid |
OutcomesTable.Outcome<T> |
OutcomesTable.OutcomesFailed |
Parameter |
ParameterControls |
ParameterConverters |
Facade responsible for converting parameter values to Java objects.
ParameterConverters.AbstractListParameterConverter<T> |
ParameterConverters.AbstractParameterConverter<S,T> |
ParameterConverters.BooleanConverter |
ParameterConverters.BooleanListConverter |
ParameterConverters.DateConverter |
Parses value to a Date using an injectable DateFormat
(defaults to new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"))
ParameterConverters.EnumConverter |
ParameterConverters.EnumListConverter |
Parses value to list of the same Enum , using an injectable value
separator (defaults to ",") and trimming each element of the list.
ParameterConverters.ExamplesTableConverter |
ParameterConverters.ExamplesTableParametersConverter |
Converts ExamplesTable to list of parameters, mapped to annotated custom
ParameterConverters.FluentEnumConverter |
ParameterConverters.FromStringParameterConverter<T> |
ParameterConverters.FunctionalParameterConverter<S,T> |
ParameterConverters.JsonConverter |
ParameterConverters.JsonFactory |
ParameterConverters.MethodReturningConverter |
Invokes method on instance to return value.
ParameterConverters.NumberConverter |
Converts values to numbers, supporting any subclass of Number (including generic Number type), and it
unboxed counterpart, using a NumberFormat to parse to a Number and to convert it to a specific
number type:
Byte, byte: Number.byteValue()
Short, short: Number.shortValue()
Integer, int: Number.intValue()
Float, float: Number.floatValue()
Long, long: Number.longValue()
Double, double: Number.doubleValue()
BigInteger: BigInteger.valueOf(long)
BigDecimal: BigDecimal.valueOf(double)
If no number format is provided, it defaults to NumberFormat.getInstance() .
ParameterConverters.NumberListConverter |
Converts value to list of numbers.
ParameterConverters.ParameterConversionFailed |
ParameterConverters.ParameterConverter<S,T> |
A parameter converter for generic type of source input and target output.
ParameterConverters.StringConverter |
ParameterConverters.StringListConverter |
Converts value to list of String.
Parameters |
Provides parameter values as given types
ParanamerConfiguration |
The configuration that uses:
Paranamer : CachingParanamer
PassingUponPendingStep |
PathCalculator |
Calculates the paths to given stories.
PatternVariantBuilder |
Builds a set of pattern variants of given pattern input, supporting a custom
Pending |
PendingStepFound |
Thrown when a pending step is found
PendingStepMethodGenerator |
PendingStepsFound |
Thrown when a pending step is found
PendingStepStrategy |
PendingStepStrategy allows to define how pending steps are handled.
PerformableTree |
Creates a tree of PerformableTree.Performable objects for a set of stories, grouping
sets of performable steps for each story and scenario, and adding before and
after stories steps.
PerformableTree.AbstractPerformableScenario |
PerformableTree.ExamplePerformableScenario |
PerformableTree.FailureContext |
PerformableTree.NormalPerformableScenario |
PerformableTree.Performable |
PerformableTree.PerformableEntity |
PerformableTree.PerformableGivenStories |
PerformableTree.PerformableRoot |
PerformableTree.PerformableScenario |
PerformableTree.PerformableSteps |
PerformableTree.PerformableStory |
PerformableTree.ReportingFailures |
PerformableTree.RunContext |
The context for running a story.
PerformableTree.State |
PerformableTree.Status |
PostStoryStatisticsCollector |
Reporter that collects statistics and writes them as properties to output
stream after each story
PrintingAnnotationMonitor |
PrintingEmbedderMonitor |
Abstract monitor that reports to output which should be defined in child implementations.
PrintingStepdocReporter |
PrintingStepMonitor |
Abstract StepMonitor that prints to output which should be defined in child implementations.
PrintStreamAnnotationMonitor |
PrintStreamEmbedderMonitor |
PrintStreamFactory |
PrintStreamOutput |
Abstract story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream.
PrintStreamOutput.Format |
PrintStreamStepdocReporter |
PrintStreamStepMonitor |
PropertyBasedConfiguration |
PropertyBasedEmbedderControls |
ProvidedStepsFactory |
ReflectionBasedStepConditionMatcher |
RegexCompositeParser |
Pattern-based composite parser, which uses the keywords provided to parse the
textual composite steps into a list of Composite .
RegexPrefixCapturingPatternParser |
A step pattern parser that provides a step matcher which will capture
parameters starting with the given prefix in any matching step.
RegexStepMatcher |
RegexStoryParser |
Pattern-based story parser, which uses the keywords provided to parse the
textual story into a Story .
RelativePathCalculator |
PathCalculator that finds given stories relative to the current story.
ReportingFailuresEmbedderMonitor |
Monitor that reports to PrintStream only failure events
ReportsCount |
ResourceLoader |
RestartingScenarioFailure |
Runtime exception thrown to indicate that the scenario should be restarted.
RestartingStoryFailure |
Runtime exception thrown to indicate that the story should be restarted.
RethrowingFailure |
Row |
ScanningStepsFactory |
Scenario |
ScenarioType |
Scope |
SGRCodes |
SGRCodes.SGRCode |
SilentEmbedderMonitor |
Monitor that reports nothing
SilentlyAbsorbingFailure |
SilentStepMonitor |
StepMonitor that prints nothings.
SilentSuccessFilter |
Filters out the reports from all stories that pass, The delegate receives
output only for failing or pending stories.
StackTraceFormatter |
Step |
Step |
A Step represents a runnable portion of a Scenario, which matches methods annotated in CandidateSteps
StepCandidate |
A StepCandidate is associated to a Java method annotated with Given ,
When , Then in a steps instance class.
StepCollector |
Represents the strategy for the collection of executable Step s from a story or scenario matching a list of
StepCandidate s.
StepCollector.Stage |
StepConditionMatcher |
StepConditionMatchException |
StepCreator |
StepCreator.AbstractStep |
StepCreator.Comment |
StepCreator.IgnorableStep |
StepCreator.Jsr330Helper |
This is a different class, because the @Inject jar may not be in the
StepCreator.ParameterNotFound |
StepCreator.PendingStep |
StepCreator.ReportingAbstractStep |
StepCreator.StepExecutionType |
Stepdoc |
A Stepdoc represents the documentation on a single StepCandidate ,
which includes:
the step type
the pattern to match the step candidate that is configured in the
the method in the steps instance class
the steps instance class
StepdocReporter |
StepFailed |
Thrown when a step execution has failed
StepFailureDecorator |
When a step fails, the Throwable that caused the failure is wrapped
in a StepFailed together with the step during which the failure
StepFinder |
StepFinder.ByLevenshteinDistance |
StepFinder.ByPriorityField |
StepFinder.PrioritisingStrategy |
Defines the priorising strategy of step candidates
StepMatcher |
A step matcher is responsible for matching steps against a given step pattern
and extracting the parameters for the step
StepMonitor |
Interface to monitor step events
StepPattern |
Represents a step pattern, as provided in the method annotations.
StepPatternParser |
Parses a step pattern, as provided in the method annotations, creating a
StepMatcher which will in turn match textual steps conforming to the pattern.
StepResult |
StepResult.Type |
Steps |
Default implementation of CandidateSteps which provides the step
candidates that match the steps being run.
StepsContext |
Holds runtime context-related objects.
StepsContext.ObjectAlreadyStoredException |
StepsContext.ObjectNotStoredException |
StepType |
Enum representing the step types
Story |
StoryControls |
Holds flags used to control story execution flow.
StoryDuration |
StoryFinder |
Finds stories by scanning source paths, which can be either filesystem
directories or jars.
StoryLanes |
StoryLoader |
StoryLocation |
Abstraction of a story location, handling cases in which story path is defined
as a resource in classpath or as a URL.
StoryManager |
Manages the execution and outcomes of running stories.
StoryManager.RunningStory |
StoryManager.StoryExecutionFailed |
StoryManager.StoryOutcome |
StoryManager.StoryTimedOut |
StoryManager.ThrowableStory |
StoryMap |
Groups a set of Story s by meta filter.
StoryMapper |
StoryMaps |
Provides an view of a list of StoryMap s, indexed by meta filters.
StoryNameResolver |
Resolves story names from their paths.
StoryParser |
Parses the stories contained in a story from a textual representation.
StoryPathResolver |
Resolves story paths converting the Java Embeddable class to a resource
StoryReporter |
Allows the runner to report the state of running stories
StoryReporterBuilder |
StoryReporterBuilder.ProvidedFormat |
A Format that wraps a StoryReporter instance provided.
StoryResourceNotFound |
Thrown when a story resource is not found
StorySplitter |
Splits story into the list of stories basing on Lifecycle ExamplesTable and the provided story index format.
StoryTimeouts |
StoryTimeouts.DigitTimeoutParser |
A digit parser for timeouts
StoryTimeouts.SimpleTimeoutParser |
A simple parser for timeouts of format: 1d 2h 30m 15s.
StoryTimeouts.StoryTimeout |
StoryTimeouts.TimeoutFormatException |
StoryTimeouts.TimeoutParser |
StoryTransformer |
SurefireReporter |
SurefireReporter.BreadcrumbNamingStrategy |
A breadcrumb-based naming strategy: [story path with breadcrumbs].[story name].[scenario title]
SurefireReporter.Options |
SurefireReporter.SimpleNamingStrategy |
A simple naming strategy: [story name].[scenario title]
SurefireReporter.TestCase |
SurefireReporter.TestCaseNamingStrategy |
SurefireReporter.TestCounts |
SurefireReporter.TestFailure |
SurefireReporter.TestSuite |
TableParsers |
TableTransformerMonitor |
Interface to monitor table transformer events
TableTransformers |
Facade responsible for transforming table string representations.
TableTransformers.Formatting |
TableTransformers.FromLandscape |
TableTransformers.Replacing |
TableTransformers.ResolvingSelfReferences |
TableTransformers.TableTransformer |
TeamCityConsoleOutput |
Decorates console output to allow TeamCity build script interaction: *
TemplateableOutput |
Story reporter that outputs to a template.
TemplateableOutput.OutputKeywords |
TemplateableOutput.OutputLifecycle |
TemplateableOutput.OutputMeta |
TemplateableOutput.OutputNarrative |
TemplateableOutput.OutputParameter |
TemplateableOutput.OutputRestart |
TemplateableOutput.OutputScenario |
TemplateableOutput.OutputStep |
TemplateableOutput.OutputStep.StepFormattingFailed |
TemplateableOutput.OutputStory |
TemplateableViewGenerator |
TemplateableViewGenerator.Report |
TemplateableViewGenerator.ReportCreationFailed |
TemplateableViewGenerator.Reports |
TemplateableViewGenerator.Reports.ViewType |
TemplateableViewGenerator.TimeFormatter |
TemplateableViewGenerator.ViewGenerationFailedForTemplate |
TemplateProcessor |
TextManipulator |
Then |
ThreadSafeReporter |
Timer |
Timing |
ToContext |
ToContext.RetentionLevel |
TransformingStoryParser |
TxtOutput |
Story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream, as TXT.
UnderscoredCamelCaseResolver |
Resolves story paths converting the camel-cased Java core class to
lower-case underscore-separated paths e.g.:
"org.jbehave.core.ICanLogin.java" -> "org/jbehave/core/i_can_login.story".
UnderscoredToCapitalized |
UnmodifiableConfiguration |
Decorator of Configuration that disables modification of configuration
UnmodifiableConfiguration.ModificationNotAllowed |
UnmodifiableEmbedderControls |
UnmodifiableEmbedderControls.ModificationNotAllowed |
UsingEmbedder |
UsingPaths |
UsingSteps |
UUIDExceptionWrapper |
Wraps an exception by adding an UUID .
Verbatim |
Represents a text content that needs to rendered verbatim, ie as it is laid out in the original textual
ViewGenerator |
A view generator is responsible for creating a collective views of stories,
either story maps or file-based reports of stories run.
When |
XmlOutput |
Story reporter that outputs to a PrintStream, as XML.
XmlTemplateOutput |
A templateable output that generates XML.